The Inbound Marketing Blog

Data and Processes


The best tips on how marketing works with the new Swiss FADP

You have CHF 250,000 left over that you want to invest in a fine? Then you can stop reading now. Do you already comply in detail with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for all your marketing activities and data? Then you can...
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How to setup an effective lead scoring model in HubSpot

How to setup an effective HubSpot lead scoring model

HubSpot recently introduced two major changes to their lead scoring system. Previously, your score contact property lived separately from all the...
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All About HubSpot Ventures

All about HubSpot ventures

We get it - running a start-up business venture is tough. From securing capital to making micro decisions that will ultimately lead to your failure...
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The Inbound Marketing Evolution

The inbound marketing evolution

If there’s one thing you can’t avoid it has to be change - and this is no different in the marketing world.
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Top 4 Content Resources from Hubspot

Top 4 content resources from Hubspot

One of the reasons for HubSpot’s widespread success is their support and dedication to their customers through content. Whether it’s research on...
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Product demo script canvas

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What's the difference between Pardot and the Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

When Salesforce acquired Pardot in 2013, many digital marketers assumed that Pardot would be integrated and assimilated into Salesforce Marketing...
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Why would I use marketing automation instead of my email tool with auto-responder (my ESP)

Why would I use marketing automation instead of my email tool with auto-responder (my ESP)

You’re familiar with digital marketing and have even tried your hand at a few email marketing campaigns. You understand how and why email works, you...
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6 Steps to Running a Holiday Marketing Campaign with Marketing Automation

6 steps to running a holiday marketing campaign with marketing automation

I recently provided some ideas for a great holiday marketing campaign. In the spirit of the season, I’d love to talk about how to build aholiday...
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Automate Your Marketing - Work Smart Not Hard

Automate your marketing - work smart not hard

It’s no secret that marketing automation has had huge implications for online business. And over the coming year or so we are going to see the...
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5 holiday promotion ideas using marketing automation

5 holiday promotion ideas using marketing automation

With December around the corner, the holidays are officially here. This is the busiest shopping season of the year, and it’s a perfect time to run a...
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What is blockchain and what can it do for B2B business online

What is blockchain and what can it do for B2B business online

In the last year, blockchain technology has gone big in a way that few online phenomena ever do. Much of this is due to an explosion in the value of...
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