The Inbound Marketing Blog

Data and Processes


The best tips on how marketing works with the new Swiss FADP

You have CHF 250,000 left over that you want to invest in a fine? Then you can stop reading now. Do you already comply in detail with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for all your marketing activities and data? Then you can...
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4 Simple Ways to Sell Marketing Automation to Your Boss

4 simple ways to sell marketing automation to your boss

If you’re part of a firm doing B2B or B2C business online, you’ve definitely heard about marketing automation. You’ll probably want to implement...
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Can I afford marketing automation?

Can I Afford Marketing Automation?

It’s a question that comes up often in the digital marketing world. Start-up marketing agencies, small businesses and organisations that have not...
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“How Do You Pronounce Pardot” - and other information.

“How do you pronounce Pardot” - and other information.

Pronunciation is a lot like wearing trousers - you don’t need it until it really counts - like meeting important people and closing deals.
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What's New in Pardot 2018 Winter Update

What's new in Pardot 2018 winter update

As a marketing automation platform, Pardot continues to adjust and refine their offering to better serve their customers around the world. The latest...
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4 Tips for Overcoming an Inbound Marketing Traffic Plateau

4 tips for overcoming an inbound marketing traffic plateau

Plenty of firms doing business online, whether B2B or B2C find themselves in the same position.
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4 Examples of GDPR Re-Permissioning Opt-In Emails

4 examples of GDPR re-permissioning Opt-In emails

We’ve recently spent quite a bit of time talking about the importance of corporate compliance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation...
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Why Do I Need Marketing Automation?

Why do I need marketing automation?

Any of our regular readers will know that we’re big fans of marketing automation — and we’re confident that any firm that starts using it will be,...
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SharpSpring’s New Social Tools and How to Use Them

SharpSpring’s new social tools and how to use them

SharpSpring is one of the most popular marketing automation platforms currently in use within small businesses, and it’s not hard to sing its...
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5 Marketing Automation Techniques for Improving Customer Retention

5 marketing automation techniques for improving customer retention

Any firm knows that customer retention is key to long-term success. The good news is that once someone converts from a prospect to a customer, much...
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5 Ways Marketing Automation Will Build Your Small Business

5 ways marketing automation will build your small business

In order to stay competitive against larger, better-funded, and more established rivals, small- and medium-sized businesses have to use every...
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